We run a variety of After School Clubs all year round. All are administered via the website. All Clubs run for 1 hour and we can provide all “floor safe” (TM) skates and safety equipment, but you are welcome to use your own equipment. Club start times vary by school but 3:15pm is typical. Non skaters will learn to skate, from first steps, experts will get better and there will be lots of games as well as Gradings and Certificates!
NOTE : payments and registration..
You register for the TERM , and preferably pay on/by the first day of club. We are happy to take part payments half termly….
But you need to REGISTER for every Term, paying in advance does not reserve places…as some clubs are very popular and first come first served on REGISTRATION is the fairest way to do it.
If you’ve booked with us before – you know the score, head on down to the booking link below… everyone else just read the whole page in order :)
- Pre-requisites and limitations
- How our process works
- What happens in skate club
- What we can provide and what you can bring
- Club Dates by school / day
- Booking
- Checking your place
- How to Pay
Pre-requisites – all the things we need from you
Parents : Help us get more skating done! Make sure your child can do their own laces before attending!
NOTE : We have an age limit (Year 3 and above only) – BUT – we will take the younger sibling, if the older is enrolled, even if they would otherwise be “too young for skate club”. As we know it’s difficult to do double school runs, or otherwise arrange an extra club.
Note also…
NB. Some Schools eg. Ocklynge are outdoor clubs only. In the event of wet weather, we will run supervised “off skate” activities instead. Such as Skate Maintenance, Quizzes, team building games and activities.
How our process works
Note : Dates for the clubs vary by school, but all clubs are paid in advance usually for the term. Cost is £5 per session and this covers skates and all protective gear if required. Generally therefore an average term is £50, though we are happy to accept payments by half term if that is more convenient.
Our After School Skate Clubs are Popular Year Round – Please CONFIRM YOUR BOOKING PROMPTLY. Confirmation is via payment.
The sequence of events is…
1. Fill in the booking form.
2. You will receive an automated email within 60 seconds, from the website telling you what’s going to happen and what to check (if you don’t get this you need to check your junk-mail and also check you filled in your email address correctly). Don’t Pay Yet! – If you don’t get a place it could take a while to organise a refund!
3. Await the acceptance email, which happens when your booking is manually processed – this is when you discover whether you have a place or not. At busy times (when we’re processing 5+ schools at once) this might take a day or so, so sit tight! We take all bookings in order from the website, so no one is queue hopping :)
4. If you have a place then its time to pay (as per the webpage) to confirm you want the place. Otherwise the place is offered to someone else.
5. If you didn’t get a place, wait till you’re contacted if a place becomes available.
What happens in skate club
If you’d like to see some of the games that feature in the club, check out the Huge Roller Disco at Eastbourne Sports Park, behind the DGH… Eastbourne Roller Disco. We can even handle your Birthday Skate Party with a £1 discount per person on the usual entry price!

What we can provide and what you can bring
We can provide everything (free of charge) however you may prefer to bring in your own pads, helmet and/or skates. Please check the skates are in good condition and feature a non marking brake or toe stops. Ensure the skates have no sharp or protruding edges or bolts.
A brake is not essential, but all schools will insist on full protective gear. We can fill in all the gaps, if you don’t have it.
Club Dates by school / day
Skate Club Dates for 2024 – NOTE 5 Weeks Only £25 10=£50.
- Monday Clubs (Westrise) 10 Weeks 13th Jan- 24th Mar
- Tuesday Clubs (TBC)
- Wednesday Clubs (TBC)
- Thursday Clubs (Haven) 10 Weeks 16 Jan-27 Mar
- Friday Clubs (Stafford) 10 Weeks 17 Jan-28 Mar
On completion – You will receive an AUTOMATIC email within 60 seconds. If you don’t see it, please check: Is it in your junk-mail, or is the email address supplied incorrect?
Checking your place
Just sit back and wait for the email confirming you have a place, or that you are on the waiting list. No point paying till you’ve been confirmed, as that just generates more work when places are tight, you paid, but didn’t get a place and then have to wait for a refund, which can take a while during busy periods.
How to Pay.
If you’ve booked your place via the website you will be contacted to confirm the dates and amount due. You can make payment in 3 ways:
- Send Cash or Cheque (made payable to Tim Wheals) to 32 Lawns Avenue, Eastbourne, BN211PJ.
- Bank Transfer to: Transfers to Tim Wheals BACS Sort Code 600925 Account No 57581738, reference *School* & *Childs Name* (Or we won’t know who’s paid for which club!)
- Bring Cash to the FIRST session of each Term or Half Term.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR REFERENCE INCLUDES THE SCHOOL and CHILD’S NAME. We have a lot of school clubs running and another school might have a child with the same name.
As always Cost is £5 per week (paid in 5 or 10 week lumps in advance).
Cancellations – should we need to cancel, for example illness or the halls are in use, or an inset day etc. the default position will be a credit via free family roller disco tickets per session missed. This is a pretty good deal for you, as a family ticket is typically worth 3 skate club weeks :)