If you’ve been wondering what to do with all that old skate gear your kids have grown out of or stopped using, especially Helmets and pads… Look no further, SK8school can help.
Every year we recycle loads of old pads, wrists guards, helmets and even skates back into the skate community. All our roller discos and events feature free to use protective gear and from time to time this needs updating, renewing and replacing.
If you’d like to help, then please bring your unwanted skating kit to any of our sessions or after school clubs and we’ll get it reused as soon as its checked out.
It doesn’t matter about the make, style, colour or even if you can’t donate a complete set… somewhere it will be useful.
Please help your skate community…. spread the word and pass on the pads.
Pads and wrist guards are especially useful and if you bring these to the staff of the Eastbourne Roller Disco, we’ll be glad to give you a free ticket for next week as a thank you.